
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Be going to / Will Blog Exercise

The Simple Future: Will or Be Going To?

Working in groups of 3, match each paragraph with one of the sentences provided.

●Zoë and Beatrice planned a beach picnic. They are picking up their friend Mara. They know that they must
leave early to rent a good spot near the water. Their gear and food were packed the night before so they would
not have much to do before leaving. Their friend Mara calls to ask them at what time they would leave so she
could be ready. They tell her:

Suddenly they notice their car has a flat tire. They call Mara and tell her:

We are going to leave at 700 am.

We will leave at 7:30 am.

●Gregory and Anthony have old computers. Gregory calls Anthony. They talk about computers. Gregory tells
Anthony the PC’S they were looking at are on sale. Anthony says his PC is old, but he is not ready to buy one
yet, he wants to wait. Anthony says: ‘One day,

Anthony calls Gregory to tell him his PC has just fizzed out. Anthony says: ‘I’m on my way out,

I will buy a new PC.

I am going to buy a new PC.

●Zoë and Beatrice are talking about their summer plans. They want to see Spain and Zoë has just paid her a
irfare. She says:

Beatrice has not had time to pay yet. Zoë asks Beatrice what she would do if the flight were full.
Beatrice says:

I am going to Spain early July

I will go to Spain late July

●Joyce invited friends to dinner. She needs to pick up a few things. She tells Zoë:

Zoë tells Joyce she has enough to do already and offers to go instead. Zoë says:

I am going to drive to the store.

I will drive to the store.

Choose 1 sentence pair and create a scenario for each of the sentences.


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