
Friday, April 21, 2006

Flock of Birds Oral Presentation

Don't forget to post your description !

Prepare for an oral presentation:
Summarize the key points of your description on index cards.
Practice your speech with a team-mate.
Sign up for your time-slot with your teacher.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Case of the Dead Ornithologist*

The Case of the Dead Ornithologist*

It was a beautiful morning as Doctor Haledjian began his morning walk. The sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing. His walk was brought to an abrupt end, however, as he followed the curve of the path and found Henry Bugle, the world famous Ornithologist lying face down on the trail with a bullet hole through his heart. Without disturbing the evidence, Doctor Haledjian quickly examined the corpse and determined that Henry had been killed within the hour.

Glancing further down the path, Haledjian noticed that the previous evening’s rain had made it possible to discern footsteps in the soft moist earth. While there were two sets of footprints leading to the body, only one set returned directly westward along the trail. The detective followed the trail of the footprints until they ended at the door of a modest country cottage. In response to Haledjian’s loud knocking, the door was opened by Dr. Bugle’s secretary, a short, balding, shifty eyed man. The man was out of breath and obviously quite nervous and upset.

“Dr. Bugle has been shot,” the man stammered excitedly. “I was just about to head off to the village to get a doctor and the local constable.”

“I’m a doctor, and I know something about police methods as I often help my friend Inspector Winters on his more difficult assignments. Calm down, and tell me what happened,” Haledjian demanded.

The secretary replied, “Henry and I go out for a walk every morning just after sunrise as it is the best time of the day to study the feeding habits of many species of birds. Today was no different than any other morning except that after we had been walking for no more than 15 minutes a shot rang out. Dr. Henry clutched his heart and fell to the ground. I didn’t know what to do so I returned to the cottage and was just about to go to the village for help when you showed up.”

Haledjian asked, “Did you see anyone else in the forest after you heard the gunshot?”

“I thought that I heard someone running in the distance, but to be honest with you I was pretty frightened and returned to the cottage quickly,” the secretary stammered. “It is hunting season and we often hear gunshots so it could have been an accident.”

“Can you describe the scene just before you heard the shot,” said Haledjian.

“Well, I remember that Dr. Bugle had just called my attention to a very rare sighting of a Cedar Waxwing that was sitting in the top of a tree directly in front of us. That’s when I heard the shot and saw Dr. Bugle drop to the ground.”

“Well, when the cops get here, you’d better think up a better story,” exclaimed Dr. Haledjian. I know that your story is false, and I can’t help but wonder why you are lying!”

How did Dr. Haledjian know that the secretary was not telling the truth?


Be going to / Will Blog Exercise

The Simple Future: Will or Be Going To?

Working in groups of 3, match each paragraph with one of the sentences provided.

●Zoë and Beatrice planned a beach picnic. They are picking up their friend Mara. They know that they must
leave early to rent a good spot near the water. Their gear and food were packed the night before so they would
not have much to do before leaving. Their friend Mara calls to ask them at what time they would leave so she
could be ready. They tell her:

Suddenly they notice their car has a flat tire. They call Mara and tell her:

We are going to leave at 700 am.

We will leave at 7:30 am.

●Gregory and Anthony have old computers. Gregory calls Anthony. They talk about computers. Gregory tells
Anthony the PC’S they were looking at are on sale. Anthony says his PC is old, but he is not ready to buy one
yet, he wants to wait. Anthony says: ‘One day,

Anthony calls Gregory to tell him his PC has just fizzed out. Anthony says: ‘I’m on my way out,

I will buy a new PC.

I am going to buy a new PC.

●Zoë and Beatrice are talking about their summer plans. They want to see Spain and Zoë has just paid her a
irfare. She says:

Beatrice has not had time to pay yet. Zoë asks Beatrice what she would do if the flight were full.
Beatrice says:

I am going to Spain early July

I will go to Spain late July

●Joyce invited friends to dinner. She needs to pick up a few things. She tells Zoë:

Zoë tells Joyce she has enough to do already and offers to go instead. Zoë says:

I am going to drive to the store.

I will drive to the store.

Choose 1 sentence pair and create a scenario for each of the sentences.

Be going to / Will Summary Sheet

event decided on speaking, ‘consequential’ or public timetables)

Be Going To:
(event decided earlier, based on current evidence or emphatic)

I will leave tomorrow.
We will leave at 5.
What will you eat?
I won’t leave tomorrow.

May sometimes be interchanged with be+ going + to + verb
With temporal modifiers

I am going to leave tomorrow.
We are going to leave at 5.
What are you going to eat?
I am not going to leave tomorrow.

Be agrees w subject;
Gonna for speech;
Strong association with present

Spontaneous decisions made at time of speaking;
I am hungry, I will go home to eat.

In response to complaints, requests or to make offers, promises, or show willingness
Jo, we are low on dog-food.
No problem, I’ll get some on my way back.

Previously formed intentions, plans; decided before speaking
It is dinnertime, I am going home to eat.

Jo, we are low on dog-food.
I know, I am going to get some on my way back.

Expresses facts.
The geese will return this autumn.

But also
The geese are going to return this autumn.

For scheduled events

The tennis match will start at 1 pm.

But also
The tennis match is going to start at 1 pm

Less emphatic than the periphrastic form
They will enjoy the film (I think)

Stronger than will
They are going to enjoy the film (for sure).

Predictions without evidence.
They will have children (some day).

It looks grey; it will rain, but the wind may blow the clouds away .

Prediction without specific time.
She will travel (one day).

Prediction is about others
They will finish tomorrow.

Predictions based on present evidence
She is going to give birth in June.

Something is inevitable, likely to happen
Those clouds are about to burst. It is going to rain in a few minutes.

Prediction is about oneself, personal schedule
I am going to Europe this summer.

Planned, but the intention is not yet formulated
I will buy a new PC (when this one crashes, some time later)

Certainty, plan is made and intention is formed
I am going to buy a new PC (for sure, soon)

Future Time Web Exercise

Go here:

Future time links

The Goose Story

The Goose Story

Next autumn, when you look up at the sky, and see geese flying south for the winter, notice the V-formation they make.

Did you ever wonder why they fly this way ? As each bird flaps its wings, it creates uplift or pull that benefits the bird behind. Flying close to each other in a V makes it easier to fly. They get where they are going faster and with less effort.

Did you ever wonder why some smaller groups of look like they are trying to catch up to a large group a little further away ? The smaller the group, the harder it is to fly. The geese feel heavier, so they try to catch up with the larger group!

Did you ever wonder why they honk so much when they fly? Geese honk from behind to encourage the leaders to keep up their speed. But, when a leader gets tired, it goes to the back of the line and another goose takes over. Their formation breaks for a while. You may have noticed this too.

Did you ever wonder why at times a few geese seem to be flying alone, in small groups of twos or threes? When a goose gets shot or sick, it falls out of the group. Then, two other geese follow it to help and to protect it. They stay with the sick goose until it is better or dies. Then they fly off again, in twos or threes, in search of their group. Sometimes they join other groups instead.

Next spring when you see them return, think about their long journey and how they help each other. Working together, geese reach their goals more easily. Maybe we could learn something from geese.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Testing image worked !